Andrew Griffiths appointed Ambassador for the Abused Child Trust

Tuesday 24 July 2007 Andrew Griffiths has been appointed an Ambassador of the Abused Child Trust in a show of his incredible support for disadvantaged kids in our community. As Read More


How best to promote a small business was exactly what TAFE’s Small Business Management students took away from their last lesson when internationally renowned author and marketing professional Andrew Griffiths Read More

How you sold yesterday may not apply to how you sell today or tomorrow

Customers are changing and their needs and expectations are changing constantly. How this affects customer service has been discussed in a previous section but it is worth discussing how it Read More

Don’t be afraid to tell people that you are a good corporate citizen

Just as I feel that it is important to be a good corporate citizen I certainly don’t see anything wrong with telling people you are. Put the certificates on the Read More

To choose time is to save time

You always have enough time if you will but use it wisely. Your dilemma goes deeper than having a shortage of time, it’s basically a problem of priorities. Most people Read More

Book review by Adelaide Independent Weekly

Books – 101 Ways to Have a Business and a Life, Andrew Griffiths Do you want it all? Do you want to find a balance in your overcrowded business life? Read More

Commit to improving your business skills daily

Passionate entrepreneurs seem to have this never ending thirst for ways to do what they do better. They are not afraid to ask questions, to read books, to go to Read More

10 ways to increase your sales now

Want to increase your sales and grow your business but worried you will come across as a pushy sales person? Not sure what to do or where to start to Read More

More sales tips and tricks

1. Be yourself Have you ever bought anything of anyone you didn’t like? People buy people, not companies so relax and just be yourself. 2. Having a good Introduction/Elevator Story Read More

Make decisions because procrastination is a killer

Personally I find that the busier I become, the harder it is to make a decision. I get bombarded with literally hundreds of messages every day, from the fax, the Read More

Mix with people who you can learn from

Most entrepreneurs are fairly up beat kind of people. They are keen to learn and equally keen to pass on their knowledge. Mixing with people who you can learn from Read More

Have a life outside of your business

We all get absorbed in our businesses and as I have discussed elsewhere in this manual, there is a need for this level of passion and commitment and for many Read More

The importance of looking the part

Appearances are everything, an old saying which from my own experience I don’t necessarily think is 100% correct but I have no doubt that appearances are very important. In my Read More

Offer praise wherever possible to other members of the community

I recently helped to organise a large outdoor concert where all of the funds raised went to an organization called Lifeline. Lifeline does an amazing job in the community – Read More


Presented by Shine Sales Solutions – Avoid nasty, uncomfortable  surprises when the price is discussed or when you ask for  the business.  Before  you start discussing the proposal, ask Read More