Words of wisdom from Mark Twain.

Mark Twain said…. View more presentations from ak85ka  ڿڰۣڿڰۣ☸ڿڰۣڿڰۣ.

This week on 96.5 FM…the importance of milestones for reflection.

This week on 96.5FM with Liam, Robbie and Ness I spoke about the importance of using milestones to reflect on our life. The lead up to Christmas is the best Read More

What makes us miserable at work?

This is an interesting presentation – and one that should be forwarded to all managers – and they need to look at each and every slide and take note. Misery. Read More

Some animals are more human than humans.

For those of you who follow my blog, you will know that I am a big fan of photography, in particular landscape and wildlife photography. Here are some exceptional images Read More

Professional Presenters Bootcamp – February 3, 2011

My next Professional Presenters Bootcamp will be held in Cairns on February 3, 2011. Numbers are limited to 20 people and if you check out the testimonials below, people are Read More

If you dread going to networking events you need to read this.

Welcome to the world of networking…. OK, lets be honest, for most of us networking really has become a dirty word. We know we need to do it, but we Read More

Are you struggling to come up with some marketing ideas for your business?

Get other people to help give you some marketing ideas. Many people struggle with actually coming up with ideas for marketing and I really understand that. But don’t worry, there Read More