Following the theme that the better we eat the healthier we will be and the better we will able to cope with stress, eating out can often cause the best laid plans to come undone. This can be a problem especially for those people who have to entertain clients a lot. For these people eating at restaurants is a common and challenging event. Even for the rest of us, we tend to eat our more often now than ever before and we could all use a few tips to make the experience a healthier one. So rather than shy away from eating at restaurants, just be a little prepared and assertive. Even more importantly, I recommend eating out as a great way to reduce stress and to get you out of your workplace to clear your head. So, how can we eat out and still be healthy? Try the following tips:
1. Think about what type of food you want to eat before you get to the restaurant. Visualise it and set your mind on it rather than arriving not really know what you want.
2. Take your time reading the menu. Don’t just pick something easy because you are feeling pressured.
3. If you are worried about ordering something that is healthy but might take a long time to prepare, ask the staff to rush the order through.
4. Avoid menu items that have rich sauces, creamy sauces or are deep fried.
5. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about food on a menu. There are always options, for example get salad dressing on the side not all over the salad, steamed vegetables instead of chips.
6. Ask for healthy recommendations. Good restaurants will have healthy food choice available and good wait staff will know what they are.
7. Most restaurants are happy to make you a healthy meal if you ask them.
8. Get to know the staff at the restaurants where you go regularly. They are more likely to go the extra mile if you remember their names and are polite and friendly. Tell them that you are on a health kick and ask for their help. You will be surprised at how supportive they will be.
9. Some restaurants are simply better than others when it comes to having healthy food choices. Try to steer the venue towards a restaurant that you know has healthy choices, be open with the people you are dining with and let them know why you want to eat in particular restaurant.
10. Avoid the incidentals that tend to cause chemical overloads. Soft drinks, alcohol, desserts, breads and rich foods. Take these five things off the menu and you can dine out just about anywhere and still leave feeling healthy.
Read this tip before you go to a restaurant. If you do this nine or ten times you will have formed habits that will be positive when it comes to dining out.
You really have something here. This has me thinking about some possibilities. Thanks