22 March 2010


A good friend of mine, Blake Beattie has just had his first book published by the impressive USA based publisher, Wiley. Blake is one of the most energetic achievers I have ever met and in his book, BULLSEYE, he shares many of his own secrets for achieving goals – no matter what they are. I really recommend this book for anyone who wants to achieve more out of their lives.



I have always believed in the power of setting goals. Blake’s book Bullseye! is a brilliant system to help people achieve authentic success.
— Joe Vitale, as seen in the hit movie The Secret

How many times have you set a goal for yourself — be it to make your first million, lose weight or find your soul mate — only to find that a month down the track you’ve abandoned all hope of achieving it because ‘life got in the way’? Or perhaps you have achieved your goals, but you still feel unfulfilled?

If you’re over reading about clichéd and worn-out strategies for achieving success, then get ready to go on a life-changing journey that will revolutionise the way you approach goal achievement forever.

Blake Beattie’s simple, fun and interactive goal-achievement solution empowers you to use your individual values to define success — and then gives you effective strategies to reach your goals more quickly than you ever thought possible.

Inside, you will discover how to:

• formulate inspiring, realistic goals using Blake’s POWERTIP
achievement system
• plan for success using the powerful life-centric wheel
• maintain momentum during difficult times
• blast through obstacles and break free from habits that limit your
ability to reach your goals
• create and maintain a ‘magic mindset’ for long-term success.

Packed full of simple but powerful techniques, Bullseye! will give you the
strategies you need to take you anywhere in business and in life.

Bullseye is available at all good bookstores or buy online from www.blakebeattie.com

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Andrew Griffiths is Australia's #1 small business author with 12 best selling books now sold in over 60 countries. He's a writing and publishing expert, an international speaker and leading business advisor with over 20 years' experience. Andrew presents around the world and is considered an expert in entrepreneurship and an authority on building a profile. He is a thought leader through writing, publishing and speaking and is featured regularly in mainstream global media.

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