The economic climate is changing, your customers are changing, your competition is changing, your business is changing…..but what are you changing? Makes you think doesn’t it? For some reason every time I turn around at the moment I seem to be getting whacked on the head with a big lump of wood with the words “CHANGE IS NIGH” carved along its length. This change is coming at every level in my life and some of it is great, some of it is a little tough and challenging.
But what I know is that when everything around us is in a state of turmoil, we have two options. The first is to duck for cover and wait to see what happens. A perfectly good strategy but the problem is that when you come up out of your basement, you may find that your house has blown away and you are no longer in Kansas with an irritating little dog called Toto humping your leg. The other option is to look this change in the eye, embrace it and make it work for you.
We all know that trying to paddle upstream is really a waste of time. It takes a lot of energy and if we manage to get where we thought we wanted to be, we don’t have any energy to enjoy it. But if we go with the flow and let the river do all of the hard work, all we have to do is steer the canoe (and avoid the odd waterfall and crocodile).
So what on earth am I trying to say here? Change is all around us at the moment. Don’t be afraid of it, don’t hide from it, enjoy the ride, keep an eye ahead for rapids and think about all the great things you will be able to do when you arrive at your destination.
Be prepared to step up and change what you are doing. If you are too rigid, or too fearful of change, it will still happen, but the process and the outcome will be far less enjoyable. Remember to enjoy the journey and your life will be whole lot more rewarding.
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