22 July 2008

Reader feedback – 101 Secrets to Building a Winning Business

Hi Andrew,

Firstly congratulations on a fabulous new book. I had not read any of your other books but picked up 101 secrets to building a winning business in Melbourne airport on the way back from a conference yesterday, and basically read it cover to cover on the plane. You have, for me, reinforced all the things that I believe are important in creating a successful business. I own and run a bookkeeping business which has taken off much faster than I had anticipated, my goal is to not just offer bookkeeping services, but also offer a wholistic business service. All of my clients are small business owners, often in the very early stages of their businesses. Most of the comments I get are similar to ‘why did I not meet you when I was starting up’ or ‘why has no one told me that before’. Most of what I do is making sure they comply with the requirements of the ATO, but what I love and am passionate about is helping them get on top of things, teaching them to do it themselves, putting systems into place, and offering them a coffee and a friendly ear when they come across the next challenge/hurdle/opportunity. I have just put on an exceptional bookkeeper so I can start to develop these other areas and programs without having to do all of the ‘billable hours’ as well.

Very excitedly my business has grown from the spare room of my house, to the entire living area and 1 staff member to moving into the Small Business Development Centre with 2 staff members at the end of the month. Once there I am going to offer a monthly training/information session, (as a start), basically covering many of the aspects that are in your book, which are all things my clients have asked me about. I am (in a very round about way, I do apologise, I realise that you are a very busy man) asking permission to use some of your templates and questions to help the small business owners in Townsville.

May be once I have these sessions up and running, and my new office is set up we could convince you to visit your neighbours!! Am also planning on buying the rest of your books (probably even multiples of) to have with the other business resources we have available!! I will definitely be booking in for your 2 day seminar in Cairns in September.


Warm Regards
Amee Porter


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Andrew Griffiths is Australia's #1 small business author with 12 best selling books now sold in over 60 countries. He's a writing and publishing expert, an international speaker and leading business advisor with over 20 years' experience. Andrew presents around the world and is considered an expert in entrepreneurship and an authority on building a profile. He is a thought leader through writing, publishing and speaking and is featured regularly in mainstream global media.

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