Well 2012 is almost here and many Small Business owners are facing the year ahead with some trepidation. Who really knows what it will bring in terms of financial pressure, challenges and of course opportunities?
One thing I do know for certain is that we all need to be going into this year with a very proactive attitude. We can’t sit around and wait for things to change, we need to step up and take action.
I feel that there are three priorities for every business owner in 2012:
The first is that we all need to get out of our comfort zones and get back into a business development state of mind. This means we need to be marketing aggressively, looking for opportunities for new customers, enlisting the support of our family, friends and suppliers to help us find more customers and we need to get this message through to everyone that works in our business.
Secondly we need to make sure that we really look after our existing customers. Is our service as good as it should be? Have we been too busy to really give our current customers the attention that they have deserved in the past few years? We need to remember that our competitors will be on the hunt for new customers as well. The best place to find new customers is in a business that doesn’t look after them.
Last but not least, as business owners we need to keep everyone involved in our businesses motivated. I know that this is a tough call, but the owner is the business barometer. If they are running around crying about how tough business is, their staff will soon be doing the same. Before you know it, your customers will be looking for somewhere else to shop. No matter how hard it is, now is the time to be upbeat, positive and enthusiastic about the future of your business.
Find other people who are in a positive state of mind and spend time with them. Avoid the moaners, whingers and doom merchants at all costs.
These three recommendations might sound simple, and they are, but in challenging times they are vital to not just surviving but thriving. I am working with many businesses that are doing incredibly well at the moment and if could pinpoint why, it would be the three recommendations I have written about here.
Yes, marketing is where I will be focusing this year, particularly the local market. I think this is the best way to not have to raise my rates to provide a valuable and wanted service by psycho-social students at uni and TAFE courses. Given my repeat clients I think I am doing well with focus on current clients ~:-) tho of course am continuously evaluating how to provide better quality.
Good on you Char. I think a lot of businesses have forgotten how to market over the past few years so this is like learning a new skill for many business owners. I love the fact that you are looking after your existing clients. Another area so often overlooked. All the best for you in 2012. Your constant words of encouragement, support and positivity mean a lot to me. Thank you!