What makes a great idea great?

You may have already seen the following movie, it has after all been viewed over 37 million times. It says a lot to me, first and foremost the power of Read More

A few wise words…

 “Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.”  — Napoleon Hill: Author, Think and Grow Rich.

What is the best Christmas gift to give your customers?

Well it’s that time of year where we are getting inundated with bottles of plonk, chocolates, Christmas cards (in my case books and Christmas puddings), and all other types of Read More

Merry Christmas to all….

Many people ask me what I do in my spare time…..well now you know…………. Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Never judge a person by how they look.

A few years back I was presenting a seminar to about 150 people in Alice Springs, a desert city in the middle of Australia. The crowd was very warm and Read More

The business owners sixth sense – use it to grow your business.

So what is this business owners “sixth sense” I’m talking about? In simple terms it’s the ability to be able to tell instinctively that something is not right in your Read More