Your difficulty and the difficulty of every individual
who ever desired to achieve anything worthwhile,
comes in the movement.
Don’t always be intending to live a new life,
but never find the time to begin living it.
Most people fail because they never get started.
They don’t go. They don’t overcome inertia.
They don’t begin.
Begin to free yourself at once
by doing all that is possible with the means you have.
As you proceed in this spirit the way will open for you to do more.
The worst thing you can do is not to try.
I’ve been meaning to establish a local network of Cairns Bloggers. Time is my enemy but today I befriended it and just began a list of Cairns Bloggers in my blogroll. Do you know of other Cairns bloggers Andrew? Please ask them to contact me so that I can try to create a network between us and give some assistance to those who may want to try blogging as a new business platform.
Hi Megan,
Not many quality bloggers in this part of the world as far as I know. One who is very good is Jean Burman – she is prolific and impressive and I think one of the best uses of a blog in Australia. Visit her site at I will keep my eye open for others and get them to contact you. Good on your for being so proactive.
Hi Andrew,
The blog hit the nail on the head – l carry around a little card that says “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, Power and Magic in it. Begin it now” Quote is from Goethe. Another favorite is “Action Creates Clarity”. I’m at the beginning of what to do next in my career…. not real clear but l’ve never been one to sit around and wait – life is too short for that. I came across your website via the “Enhance” website. I’m going to invest in a couple of your books… great subjects. Keep up the great work and have a fabulous day!
Thanks Jo – there are those that do and those that see to find every reason not to do. Looks like you are one of the ones that do. Appreciate the feedback. Please pass on the details of my blog to your network – so we can all spread some positivity.
Hi Again Andrew,
Just an update – it took a little while but now with a European Trip under my belt, a course in Training and Assessment, lm now on the right path for a new career direction. Out of the sales arena and into Learning and Development. It is amazing the clarity that can be achieved when you give yourself some time to think about what truly makes you happy rather than accepting what is offered. I have just started a new job which l feel is going to be a fabulous start to my new career.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Have a great day,