26 April 2007

Being a green business is good for business


Running a magnificent business certainly covers a lot of ground but being committed to running an environmentally responsible business is not only good for the environment it is good for the bank balance and that is a relationship that is often overlooked.

I have had quite a lot of experience marketing environmentally focused businesses and this is a topic that I am very passionate about. The point that often amazes me is that green consumers (those who make many of their buying decisions based on environmental responsibility) are growing in numbers rapidly, they are prepared to pay more for green products and services and they are very informed and intelligent. But best of all, they are easy to market to because they are looking for environmentally responsible products and services.

If your business is more environmentally aware and responsible than your competitors you will attract customers based completely on this point of difference. Of course if you are an environmentally responsible business you need to tell your customers how you are and what your commitment is. One excellent example of this is the Body Shop. An impressive organization that has grown to be a leader in the beauty products range with the main sales point being that the business will not sell any products that don’t fit into its very stringent corporate philosophy on environmental responsibility and respect for animals. Consumers know that if they purchase a Body Shop product they can rest assured that it hasn’t been tested on animals, a rainforest hasn’t been cut down to produce it or a five year old child used in the manufacturing process.

There are lots of ways to be green, far too many to list here. Look at your business from every possible angle and start with small changes and build up to much larger and more significant changes that will make your business environmentally aware and you will reap both the moral rewards and financial rewards. One important note here though – if you are running an environmentally responsible business take the time to explain to your customers what you do to adhere to this code. This can be in your promotional material, on your website or on a sign in your business. Make sure your staff know your philosophy and your commitment.

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