Just for fun….

Is your business starting to look a little unloved?

Over time the appearance of any business can deteriorate, often without the owners or managers being aware of it. This deterioration happens slowly making it harder to notice but no Read More

The role of Mayor is a significant one, is it being watered down by federal politics (everywhere)?

Benjamin Barber believes that the future of the world may lie with the politicians who implement practical change every day: Mayors.

Nail the first 60 seconds of your presentation

Nail the First 60 Seconds of Your Presentation from Bruce Kasanoff

Want a better business? Start by being a better person

Here is my latest Inc.com article – my view is that to create a great business, we need to become the best person we can be.

Can too much experience be a bad thing?

Most businesses use tenure as a selling feature, but does there reach a point where having too much experience is a bad thing? This is the topic that I explore Read More

An innovative approach to making a difference…

We are all used to the concept of a charity or an individual raising money for a cause. Well here is an alternative concept, which I think is equally valuable.

National RUOK? day is September 12. Time to reach out and ask the question…

The fifth annual RUOK?Day aims to inspire meaningful conversations across the country to help reduce suicide in Australia; the leading cause of death for people aged between 15 and 44 Read More

If you don’t invest in your customers someone else will

No one likes being taken for granted, and when it comes to being taken for granted by a business we spend money with, it hurts even more. The key hear Read More

Can one entrepreneur really turn a town around?

Spend a few minutes watching this video and you will see that the answer to this question is a resounding yes!  

Ron Burgundy has weighed into the Australian election, and as always, he has managed to stay classy…

At last a political commentary worth listening to. Thank goodness for the wisdom of Ron Burgundy and what a wonderful marketing strategy to help promote the new Anchorman movie coming Read More

Sometimes we really do need to get smaller to get bigger

Small business owners often lament the fact that they are working harder and longer, but no matter what they do, there is no money left in the bank account at Read More