This Friday, November 2nd at 11am EDT, I will be hosting the third webinar in the current CBS/HP series. This week my guest is the one and only Tim Reid Read More…
This is the most shared You Tube clip doing the rounds at the moment. It is a combined movie launch, product placement, event and social media phenomenon, that has resulted Read More…
One of the most enigmatic singer songwriters of the 1970’s is a man called Rodriguez. He disappeared over 30 years ago and a film about his life was released earlier Read More…
This Friday I am hosting the second webinar in the HP/CBS Small Business Series. My special guest this week is Kylie Bartlett, a household name for thousands of small business Read More…
This is a fun presentation with a serious undertone. Check your own copy to see if perhaps you are working with a castrated copywriter – the signs and symptoms are Read More…
MICHAEL NEILL IS COMING TO AUSTRALIA Michael Neill is known for being America’s #1 Super Coach – and he is coming to Australia to run a very special retreat. I Read More…
On Wednesday the 17th of October, I am running a webinar on “word of mouth” publicity. My special guest for this webinar will be Graham McGregor, a New Zealand marketing Read More…
Reading about the latest road crash that claimed the lives of five people from one family, drove home the importance of donating blood. But I didn’t know these people so Read More…
The second edition of Funny Business has gone live. In it Tim Reid and I discuss a range of business related topics – and the feedback has been fantastic (thanks Read More…
Every week I’m going to give away a copy of one of my bestselling books. All you need to do to go into the draw is put your details in the box below. If you win, it will appear in your mailbox. Simple as that.
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