FILEX is the largest annual fitness industry convention in the southern hemisphere. Attracting more than 2,000 people, FILEX consists of more than 240 sessions, delivered by 150+ cutting-edge presenters. In Read More…
Use your time wisely Well it’s that time of year where we’re all looking longingly at the finish line. Wow, what a year it has been. In my own little Read More…
Andrew Griffiths was interviewed by Valerie from the Sydney Writers Centre. The interview was about Andrew’s latest book as well as his writing and business career overall. You can listen Read More…
Women and Leadership Australia have named the ME MYTH as their top “INSPIRATIONAL” book for 2009. The ME MYTH was described on the site as “a left-of-centre management book that Read More…
I get asked all the time for more information, ideas and suggestions on ways to improve presentation skills. So I have posted some great material I have found online and Read More…
I was sent a link to a website called The Fun Theory ( the other day. It is a concept backed by Volkswagen and it shows how human behaviour can Read More…
The Australian Financial Review has included The ME MYTH as one of their top books in 2009 – AFR BOSS 2009 LIST – in the motivation and life perspective category.
Every week I’m going to give away a copy of one of my bestselling books. All you need to do to go into the draw is put your details in the box below. If you win, it will appear in your mailbox. Simple as that.
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