21 January 2007

Always think big (how big is up to you)

What is the difference between the person who opens and runs a successful pizza restaurant and the person who opens and runs a chain of pizza restaurants around the world? I believe that it is all in the thinking process. If you think big you can be big but most of us get too busy doing what we do to let thoughts about where we are going manifest and form. There is nothing wrong with being a small successful business but likewise there is nothing wrong with building that small successful business into a hugely successful big business.

Now I know that there will be some people reading this who will feel that there are a multitude of limitations that prevent them from world domination (in the nicest possible way) but from my own experiences and observations of entrepreneurs, there is little doubt that those that aim high and think big tend to achieve more.

I have a series of big plans – which I have broken into time frames. Short term I would be happy to pay off my credit cards (like most of us) – longer term I want to sell a million books. Both are significant to me and I believe that I will achieve both, even if I am not certain which is tougher. I have a list of about ten significant goals and reading the longer term ones today makes my analytical brain go into seizures, but I honestly and sincerely believe I will achieve them.

Think big and go for it.

WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY? What are your long term plans and ambitions for your business? How much money do you want to earn? Make a list of these goals and don’t let your mind put limitations on the size of the goal – if you want to earn $1 million dollars per year – put it on the list. If you want to expand globally, put it on the list. Keep this list handy, perhaps stick it on the mirror in the bathroom or inside your diary or on the cover of your cheque book, but regardless of where you put it, read it regularly and you will start to move in the direction of achieving these goals.

One thought on “Always think big (how big is up to you)”

  1. Neal Sinclair says:

    An unbelievable site with so much information.
    I haven’t read it all (only 24 hours in my day and I definetly need my 6 hours beauty sleep) but what I have perused into so far is magnificient.
    You should be proud of what you have achieved in your rather diversified life.
    I feel very proud to be a freind of such an important businessman.

    Neal (Kelly’s Dad)

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Andrew Griffiths is Australia's #1 small business author with 12 best selling books now sold in over 60 countries. He's a writing and publishing expert, an international speaker and leading business advisor with over 20 years' experience. Andrew presents around the world and is considered an expert in entrepreneurship and an authority on building a profile. He is a thought leader through writing, publishing and speaking and is featured regularly in mainstream global media.

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