I get asked this question a lot and it is not an easy one to answer. Sure we can all look at a bank account balance but if that is the only indicator to measure an entrepreneurs success it would be a sad world indeed. Personally I believe that anyone who is brave enough to step out of their comfort zone and enter the challenging world of being self employed should already be classified as a significant success because there is no doubt that running your own business is tough. However, I have noticed that most financially successful entrepreneurs share common personality characteristics and an over riding desire to be good at what they do. I cover these characteristics throughout ‘The Secrets to Building A Winning Business’. Often this is what drives people to be entrepreneurs in the first place – they are good at what they do and they know it and they would rather make money for themselves than someone else.
But if I had to pick one defining characteristic that separates success and failure it would have to be passion. Those entrepreneurs who are passionate about their businesses will not accept half measures – they sincerely want to be the best at what they do. They are passionate regarding their products and services, their customers and their staff. This passion enables them to embrace change and face the everyday challenges that all business owners face head on. Sure they encounter set backs but they don’t get caught up in the negatives, preferring instead to move forward, learning from their mistakes and refining the way they do things. They are passionate enough to share their triumphs and tragedies in a philosophical way and they will help other people to succeed wherever they can.
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