Pretty much every day someone comes up to me and says that they want to write a book. So many people do, but the problem is they don’t know where to start. In the past 6 years, I’ve personally coached and mentored over 600 people to write and publish their first book (and some people are onto their 4th and 5th books). I’ve worked with authors from virtually every industry sector and they have written books on just about every topic imaginable.
A few years back I started to run 4 day Author Academy retreats. The concept was to take a group of new authors to a beautiful location and help them map out their books in detail and get them one hundred percent ready to write. I ran my first few Author Academy retreats in Bali and they were very successful. The people attending the retreat loved the immersion concept and I loved teaching in this environment. We had the time for deeper discussions, one on one coaching and workshopping of everyone’s book concept, structure and overall plan. And of course, this has translated in virtually every author doing the retreat writing and publishing their book.
Now I run these retreats in Australia, in Inverloch in Victoria to be honest (about 2 hours outside of Melbourne – towards Wilsons Promontory).
AUTHOR ACADEMY is exclusively for aspiring authors who are ready to write their first non-fiction book. It’s going to be an energetic, informative and engaging few days where you will learn a great deal about the book writing and the book publishing worlds. The group size will be kept at 15 or below, so spaces are limited. All of the information you need to know about AUTHOR ACADEMY can be found below or alternatively please contact Darren Finkelstein (Darren looks after the sales side of things for my business) by email – at or call him directly on 0418 379 36
Andrew Griffiths
For anyone who wants to know more about my next Author Academy coming up at the end of this month – here is the link.
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