Do you ever feel as though you’re lacking passion for what you do? Some people are able to be naturally passionate about what it is they do. They have seemingly endless amounts of enthusiasm and energy towards their business, and approach every new step with a spring in their own. But if you’re one of those people who tend to struggle reaching those levels of passion (or even finding any in the first place), then this episode of Business Over Breakfast is for you.
Today, Bree James and Andrew Griffiths are talking about passion in all its forms, whether it’s in business or life in general. And to provide better insight on the topic, their guest is international speaker and author, Keith Abraham, who is so dedicated to cultivating passion in business, he’s written five incredibly popular books on the topic and is fondly referred to as the Guru of Goal Setting.
Bree and Andrew also discuss the following:
- What passion means in terms of the small business owner
- The benefits of being passionate about things in life
- How to increase your passion
- What a lack of passion can manifest into with business
- Why passion doesn’t always need to be shown with hi-fives and group hugs
- The things that can quickly kill your passion, and how to avoid them at all cost
- How to find something to be passionate about
- What fuels passion, and how you can bring that into your everyday life
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