Well after a lot of work by my wonderful web development team, City of Cairns, my new website and blog is now live. I would sincerely appreciate your feedback, initial thoughts and general comments. This is the fourth evolutionary stage of my website and I am very happy with it. There is more video content, more information overall and a much easier navigation system. In the coming months there will be facilities to book online for my events and we will also be launching my online shop. So keep one eye on this space.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nicky, Linda and Kaj and the entire City of Cairns web development team for doing an exceptional job and I highly recommend them for any web project you may have in mind.
The new look and feel site is live, so please take a moment and drop a comment in the box below.
PS For my Business Bullet subscribers you don’t have to change anything – the Bullets will come out as normal. For those of you not subscribed – click on the link below if you would like to subscribe – BUSINESS BULLET SIGN UP
Nice, like the font style.