Hello there my name is Andrew Griffiths and I am a huge fan of “FLYING SOLO”. Without doubt this is a site that every single small business owner should be visiting daily and I am sure the smart ones do.
You may have heard of me before, I am the author of the 101 Business Building Series of books and I am very proud to say that my books are now sold in over 45 countries.
I am extremely passionate about small business. I love and admire the fact that people go into their own business considering that it isn’t an easy path to follow. Small business is fraught with many challenges along the way but the rewards, the freedom and the satisfaction you get from being in control of your own destiny are worth the speed bumps along the way.
My books are written from the perspective of the small business owner. They are simple, easy to read, filled with tips that can be implemented right away for very little or no money at all and most importantly – they are all tried and tested and they will work for you.
But today, I am going to make some special offers. I am going to give away 20 of my “101 Secrets to Building a Winning Business” book and a special, $1000 business coaching package for one lucky visitor. All you have to do is post a comment in the box below and answer the following brief questions –
1. Tell me what your business does?
2. Explain why you should win a free copy of “101 Secrets to Building a Winning Business” or a $1000 coaching package (which includes a full set of my books)?
3. Tell me what you are most proud of about your business?
4. What do you love the most about being an entrepreneur?
Keep your answers as long or as short as you like. If you want to keep your answers private you can always email me on info@andrewgriffiths.com.au. If you have read any of my books feel free to give me some feedback. All winners will be notified by email.
So please take a moment to enter this draw. Whilst you are here why not check out the rest of my blog and see if there is any information that will help you to build the business of your dreams.
Love your business, do everything with passion and have bucket loads of fun every day.
Andrew Griffiths
BildaVOID Concrete Void Forming Systems is Australia’s only company dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of void forming products or “lost formwork”. Bildavoid manufactures corrugated cardboard construction products, commonly known as “void forms” or “sacrificial self collapsing formwork”, which create a space between concrete structures and expansive soils, thereby isolating the concrete from reactive soil, ground movement, mine subsidence, noise and vibration affected sites. Bildavoid holds patents within Australia and New Zealand.
As a sole trader and working on my own, I am always looking for incentives and motivation to keep my mind on my business. I would like to win your business coaching package to help grow my business to its full potential.
One of the things I am most proud of about my business is the fact that I have built it up to the point were it is now able to support me. This has taken 5 years, which is what I was told it would take a few years ago whilst participating in the “Women in Business Mentoring program”. I have also no established two manufacturers in QLD, one in NSW and recently one in South Australia.
What I love most about being an entrepreneur is the fact that at the end of the day, I am the one that has built this business. It gives me the freedom to choose where I want the business to go and how big or small the business can grow. I answer only to myself and am responsible for all the ups and downs that go with it.
My business is a premium website development company based in Cairns, Australia. We are a full service web agency which provides conception consultation, hosting, design, programming and internet marketing services.
I should win your $1000 coaching package because I really need it. Our business has been in high growth for 5+ years and I feel my focus keeps getting shifted sideways. I need a coach to assist me identify business goals and keep me on track.
There are many aspects of my business I am proud of, but most proud would be our entire team’s commitment and efforts to maintain an exceptionally high standard of work. Our industry is prone to issues from cutting corners, and we thankfully avoid these issues by ‘sticking to our guns’.
Being an entrepreneur means the freedom to incite change quickly, and without encumbrance. Identifying opportunity and acting swiftly has been an essential part of our growth.
Find The Time Lifestyle Management is a Melbourne-based Personal Concierge and Errand Running Service providing time-saving home and business solutions, specialising in domestic management, relocations, home and office organisation and administration. In today’s ultra busy society with increasing numbers of people working longer hours we are left with little time for our family, friends and most importantly, ourselves. Find The Time strives to restore some order and balance into the lives of our clients by taking control of their ‘To Do’ lists and freeing up their time.
Building up a business as a sole trader has been a huge learning curve and having just celebrated my first anniversary I am still very much a beginner. Every day I realise that there is so much I need to know and that the learning process is never going to end. I believe that a huge part of ‘getting it right’ as I grow my business is down to continual education and learning from the experience and expertise of others.
At this moment I am most proud of the fact that Find The Time is my creation. That at the end of the day I know that what I have achieved to date and will continue to achieve is down to my efforts and determination to continue what I started and not give up.
Entrepreneur is not a title that I would ever have thought to give myself and I feel quite excited to consider that what I’ve done is in fact entrepreneurial. Developing a business in an industry that is still very much in its infancy here in Australia is exciting and a great challenge to be a part of its growth. No two days are ever the same. Not knowing what the next day might bring can be a little scary at times but it most certainly makes work and life interesting to say the very least!
Hi Andrew
1. My business is in Herbal Medicine, my practice focuses on children, I am a student about to open for business professionally.
2. I should win a free copy of your “101 Secrets to Building a Winning Business” or a $1000 coaching package because my business is relatively new, and I’m struggling with wanting to get things right from the beginning. I need coaching on how to do everything! I’m highly organized, but lack tenacity due to not being able to see simple solutions. I struggle with putting steps into my goals and big ideas.
3. I am most proud of the reception I receive from the public, and my ability to communicate to many different types of persons.
4. I love having the ambition and visions, that whilst implementing them it allows me to feel free and invincible.
I am a web programmer, VET trainer, editor and writer and I am currently employed fulltime in Learning and Development. I have my own business as a writer of fiction and had a book published last year and would like to spend more time writing (and receiving royalties). I am also very tired of the daily grind and would like the structure of my day to be more flexible. I am a night owl and am more productive in the evening hours (except when I am tired after a long day at work). Basically, 9-5 is not working for me. I am taking the odd contract to write for others at the moment and more and more my thoughts move toward going into business for myself as an editor, writer and web developer. I sense that the challenge of keeping myself well paid will provide more motivation than anything in my current employment.
The problem is I currently know very little about how to run a business or market a business or … anything really. Hence my need for your Building Business Series!
1. Tell me what your business does? I run a Virtual Assistant Network that is global with the head office in Melbourne, Australia. Together we provide virtual assistance (admin and secretarial support) to small businesses (mainly SOHO). Many clients are business coaches, professional speakers, not-for-profit organisations, legal practitioners, medical practitioners, events organisations, private individuals and so on.
2. Explain why you should win a free copy of “101 Secrets to Building a Winning Business” or a $1000 coaching package (which includes a full set of my books)? I’ve been in business for almost 15 years and I’m looking to take my business to the next level – whatever that might be.
3. Tell me what you are most proud of about your business? I started the business with just me – wanting to be home for my 5 daughters and bring them up. They are now in their 20s. Today the business has members in 16 countries, mainly women who are mothers who want to do the same. So instead of just helping one family (mine) I have, through my business, literally helped hundreds.
4. What do you love the most about being an entrepreneur? I love that I can keep finding new challenges and go for them – I don’t have to get approval from anyone before being able to take the next step.
1. Tell me what your business does?
At this immediate point of time not a lot, it’s stagnated…. But it should be Buying, Renovating, Developing, and Selling residential properties solutions. All the essential elements are there but just can’t break through.
2. Explain why you should win a free copy of “101 Secrets to Building a Winning Business” or a $1000 coaching package (which includes a full set of my books)?
It’s not so much as to why I should receive anything free as what benefits such an opportunity could create. Receiving a coaching package would give the business essential opportunities to be exposed to a massive powerful directional stimulus resulting in achieving business goals and outcomes from a proven professional. It’s more about radically accelerating a stopped car that is fuelled and ready to go (For example a Maseratti…).
3. Tell me what you are most proud of about your business?
Tuff question this one. One aspect which makes me proud of my business is it’s goals and the line of business it serves. i.e. Putting roofs over peoples heads, an essential aspect of peoples lively hood. My business helps people to achieve life dreams in the form of owning a home buy giving them a product.
4. What do you love the most about being an entrepreneur?
Great question… Being answerable to myself and the continuous learning required to be titled an entrepreneur. The word ‘entrepreneur’ is a power word which would be an honour to be called one day.
In summary, Andrew if you want a challenge there is one looking at you right in the face. I challenge you to turn a non profit business into a cash generating business, my business needs to discover the truth of success.
Geoff Beck
Hi Andrew,
My business is MiniStyle, an online children’s lifestyle boutique, catering for children between the ages of 2-12.
As MiniStyle is still in it’s infancy stage, at 6 months old..I would love to win one of your generous giveaways, to help boost my business in as many ways possible.
I am proud that my sales are increasing each month, and with the wonderful customer feedback I receive from my happy customers, particularly proud when they have returned to purchase from MiniStyle again!
The best things about running my own business is that I have the freedom & flexibility to work around my 2 children. Motherhood is a sheer joy for me. It is also challenging at the best of times! Being able to run a business gives me a release & a chance to explore another side of me. It is a healthy blend of both worlds.
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards,
Hi Andrew,
Love your website.
1. Tell me what your business does?
My part time business produces formatted newsletters for passionate small business owners. The newsletters are produced in PDF format for owners to either print themselves, have commercially printed, emailed to their clients and/or posted on their website. The newsletters are a great way to tell clients about products and services without doing the hard sell.
2. Explain why you should win a free copy of “101 Secrets to Building a Winning Business” or a $1000 coaching package (which includes a full set of my books)?
I’d love to win a free copy of “101 Secrets to Building a Winning Business” because I need the extra incentive and confidence to go with the business full time and ditch my 9-5 job. I have enough clients wanting me to do work, I just can’t take them all on at present because I don’t know all the secrets to building a winning business; and I think that’s very important if I want to grow the business. I am just craving knowledge about running a business.
3. Tell me what you are most proud of about your business?
Starting from scratch. I won my first client after finding their newsletter in a recycling bin and thinking that it looked terrible. I sent them a version I produced with the same content, and they called straight away and took me on. That was six years ago and business has spread through word of mouth. My niche is in newsletter design and not general graphic design, so I have become a specialist in the field and am very proud of that… but I just lack the business skills to go full time with it.
4. What do you love the most about being an entrepreneur?
I love the flexibility with running the business. Compared with my 9-5 job in a similar field, it wins hands down. I also enjoy coming up with new ideas to really fit in with clients needs and seeing their excitement as each new edition of their newsletter is produced – it really makes them happy to see their business portrayed professionally which in turn gives me a buzz.
Hi Andrew,
Great idea. Great opportunity!
1. InOrder Professional Organising Service assists people to achieve their goals – by being better organised. Whether at home or in business. I offer a hands on approach and work with clients at their own pace to increase their levels of organisation. For example I am currently working with a government department, showing staff how to organise their physical space and their electronic space for better, quicker and easier workflow. In homes we look at decluttering and getting the right organising systems in place for all family members. It’s great fun!!
2. InOrder needs you!
Any successful business is surrounded by (and part of) a great team.
Coaching is a vital part of that team.
After establishing InOrder in 2006, and riding out all the bumps of employee to soloist – I am now at the stage where I need to expand in terms of staff. Terrified of course – but hey I was terrified back then too – and I managed to turn an idea into a functioning business. So I am ready to take the next step…or is that jump??
3. I am Proud of the fact that I brought the professional organising industry to the far north. Am also proud that InOrder has helped so many people achieve their goals. Clients say they feel ‘in control again’ ‘clearer’ ‘so satisfied to have achieved my goal’.
4. What I love the most about being an entrepreneur is that every day I extend myself. I love the challenge of working out how to do something, how to implement all these ideas! and the personal growth which comes with that.
Thanks Andrew
Roz Howland
KEYS Business Life is a brand new business offering Business Coaching, Consulting and Training. Clients can choose face to face personal assistance group facilitating, on line or via the telephone.
KEYS specialisies in the area of Marketing, which is where the money is.
KEYS is also equiped to offer solutions in many other areas of business and is backed by a wealth of resourses which have been tried tested and proven.
Winning your fantastic offer would greately assist, not only my business but many many small Businesses in need of help. I am finding it most difficult to just get started, however I see so many businesses operating on such poor levels. If one chooses to Open up Shop, equiped with their idea or talent,
there is NO requirement to posess any buisness skills. Hence the sad statistics of small business failure and or the trudgery they experience.
I am proud of the fact that I have developed skills in translating information in an easy to understand way. Uncomplicating the seemingly complicated. I am proud of the hundreds of glowing testimonials I have received from students stating the quality of knowledge I share with them and how much fun it was to learn from me. I am also proud of the fact I have trained and mentored over 100 businesses across a wide varitey of industries.
I love being and entrepeneur as it provides me with a lifestyle I love and in turn can encourage clients to operate their businesses with the end goal in mind – Working towards the Lifestyle you want. I also love the fact that I am constantly learning and part of this learning incorporates developing myself.
Thankyou Andrew
Loretta Jessep
KEYS Business Life.
Well I am obviously too late for the competition, but I’d like to participate in these entries none-the-less.
The website I have offered above is what I call a “business side-line”. I’m passionate about creating images, be they purely visual or imaginary through words and sentences. I’m not going to even pretend that my art is successful in financial terms – far from it. Yes, obviously I’d love it to be so, but I’m also realistic. Art is not in great demand, there are plenty of people out there much more talented than I am, and I’m just plain lousy at selling my creative self.
So, as you see, I don’t yet have a financially viable business to tout. However I do have another objective, and that is to establish myself as a virtual assistant. With experience as an office administrator of nearly 36 years, a manager of my home and family, and a bookkeeper with qualifications in financial services, I have a sound platform from which to commence my own business. Working alone, self-motivation, determination, and perfectionism in work performance are my strengths.
The prize in this competition would have been a great start and extra driving force towards my goal. There is so much to learn. Knowledge builds self-assurance and encouragement. As a creative person I am always open to absorbing further information, or innovative suggestions on self-improvement.
What am I most proud of? That would have to be my resiliance and determination to reach goals. Some of my greatest personal successes have been achieved during times of greatest turmoil and struggle. I have studied at TAFE and university off-and-on whilst working full-time and bringing up my family, and successfully obtained other qualifications through skills assessments. Knowledge, or skills improvement is an obsession, and I’ll nip away at the heals of any interested-related challenge that stands in my way.
I cannot claim to be an entrepreneur yet, but I am a creative person. A pre-requisite to being creative is that absolute need to make one’s own decisions, and the ensuing elation or satisfaction of a successful outcome. To me there is nothing more rewarding or enriching than being responsible for one’s own actions when striving for positive achievements. This is what I would love.
Many thanks to everyone who took the time to drop me a line and give me some feedback. All winners have been notified by email. Keep your eye on Flying Solo and watch my blog for more information that may help to keep you flying.
Cheers and Merry Christmas,