Staying on top of the latest developments and applications of technology is a challenge. Well ZDnet is here to help with a series of events called TECH BIZZ. Here is some information regarding the Sydney event to be held next Wednesday.
Enterprises today worry about cost, complexity and skills when managing their ICT infrastructure, but these are not the only factors driving their business environment.
With the rise of IT consumerization and cloud services, organizations are increasingly pressured to meet demands from employees, customers, and business partners for pervasive access to corporate applications and data. What new challenges will this present for both small and large enterprises?
This series of ZDNet live panel discussions, to be held in Singapore, Australia and India, will discuss how emerging industry trends today have impacted ICT decisions of organizations in the respective local markets.
Fore more information and to meet the panelists – CLICK HERE
To register for the event – CLICK HERE
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