As you may be aware, I have been offering the Kindle version of the ME MYTH for FREE on Amazon, from April 1 till April 5 (USA time). So far 1623 people have opted to download their free copy – and the feedback has been simply sensational. I am seriously keen to give away as many copies as possible, so if you haven’t got your copy yet, grab one now before the offer runs out – FREE KINDLE VERSION OF THE ME MYTH
Now, I am very surprised by the number of people who have said that they would love a Kindle version but they don’t own a Kindle – they have an iPad. Now you may not be aware of this, but you can get an App to make your iPad read Kindle – I have been using this App for ages – and it gives you access to millions of books. Here is the link – FREE KINDLE APP
Enjoy folks. Thanks for the support. I would love to crack 2,500 downloads – nice to know that my book is out there helping a lot of people, on top of the sales it has achieved in bookstores around the world.
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