09 December 2012

A beautiful start to every day…

I watch this video most mornings – it is 5 minutes of my daily routine that reminds me to start the day off with the right sense of gratitude and wonder, to stop throughout the day and notice the amazing things going on around me and to be thankful for being a part of it all. Thank you so much Louie Schwartzberg.

2 thoughts on “A beautiful start to every day…”

  1. Wow! That’s so beautiful. Thanks for sharing that with us Andrew.

    I think gratitude is such an important practice. Perhaps the most important practice.

    I like to start each working day by noting down 3 things I’m grateful for in my gratitude journal.

    When things get tough in my business I try to remind myself of all the freedom running my own business gives me, and all the benefits of that for myself and my family.

  2. Hey Charles,

    Thanks for the comments – and you are so right. I find most people tend to focus on the negative aspects of their business as opposed to being grateful for all of the benefits – and of course there are many. Success is all about attitude, gratitude is a big part of the right attitude in my view.

    Have a great Christmas and New Year,

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Andrew Griffiths is Australia's #1 small business author with 12 best selling books now sold in over 60 countries. He's a writing and publishing expert, an international speaker and leading business advisor with over 20 years' experience. Andrew presents around the world and is considered an expert in entrepreneurship and an authority on building a profile. He is a thought leader through writing, publishing and speaking and is featured regularly in mainstream global media.

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