When you get caught up in your own business it is easy to start to break your life into two very distinct halves – the business half and the non business half. The business half can easily become the biggest part, after all you have a lot riding on it, you are enthused and passionate about what you do. But whilst this is happening, we need to keep playing a role in other areas of our life.
Business owners are generally respected in the community. People understand that they give a lot back to the community, they provide jobs and they make the economy go round. For this reason their opinions are valued. This makes it very important for business owners to play an active role in the running of their community.
When there are important issues being debated in your community have your say. Voice your opinion and don’t be afraid to be a little controversial. It is easy to say nothing in case you might offend a customer who has a different opinion but it is more important to stand up for injustice or things within your community that are worth fighting for.
When you have your own business don’t stop being a part of the community where you live. Write a letter, voice an opinion, call the local radio station – whatever it takes just play a role.
WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY? Have you become an observer of your community or do you play an active role? If it feels like a while since you have been able to get passionate about things that you disagree with in your community maybe today is the day to redirect some of your business passion back into the place you call home.
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