As the boss, the business owner, the manager, the partner— whatever position you hold, there is no doubt that the person (or the people) at the top, set the mood for the entire organisation. I tend to think of them as the businesses barometer.
If the leader is stressed out, angry, exhausted or bored, this attitude will permeate through the entire business before long. It will be reflected in the staff, their attitude towards the business, the customers and each other. But on the upside, if you are positive, energetic, considerate and supportive, this attitude will also permeate throughout the business and likewise be reflected by pretty much everyone who works with you.
For this reason alone, the wellbeing of your business is intrinsically linked to your state of mind. How we manage ourselves is vitally important and something that needs to be considered on a daily basis.
Whenever I am asked to evaluate a business to determine what is going wrong or what needs to be done to get it back on track, the first place for me to start is with the business owner. What is going on in their world? What is their state of mind? What are they afraid of? What needs to change? This is normally hidden below the surface and it takes a bit of digging, but once you get to the root of the problem and address it, the business undergoes a energetic transformation, with predictable outcomes.
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