Instilling confidence in you and your products is more important today than ever before. With any purchase there is an element of risk to the customer. Will this product and the company I am dealing with meet my expectations? Will they give me what I pay for? Will the product be as good as they say it is?
All fair questions that need to be answered and answered well. I recommend that you use your business to fly your own flag and instil confidence in what ever it is your business sells.
If you have won some awards put the certificate in a prominent place in your business, where all customers can see it. It reduces the perceived risk associated with making that first purchase.
If your business supports local charities, put the certificates of appreciation on the wall in a prominent position. Likewise if any of your staff receive acknowledgement for outstanding service (such as employee of the month), put these in a prominent position. It shows that your business is a good corporate citizen and that you care for the community and the people that you employ.
If you have the type of business that can utilise a “guest book” or “Customer Comments Book”, leave it out for customers to read and to add their own comments. Whenever our company sends out a sales presentation kit we include a list of past and present clients that will act as referees, verifying our company’s ability to do a good job, on time and on budget.
Testimonials from satisfied customers are incredibly beneficial in adding crediblity to any business. The more the merrier and put them on promotional material, on your website, on the wall wherever possible.
Put your company mission statement on the wall. If you are dedicated to offering exceptional levels of service tell your customers and be proud of the fact.
Look for as many ways to reduce the perceived risk factor associated with making a purchase from your business and you will increase the chances of making more sales and also increasing the overall level of customer service and confidence in your business.
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