26 January 2010

You really are never too old…

In recent months I have been encountering more and more older (50+) people who are busy starting up their own business. There are lots of reasons for this, and if you read this article at USA today they attribute the trend to:

1. Corporate layoffs – clearly more relevant in the USA than Australia.

2. Shifting values – people wanting to take control of their lives and actually have a life instead of the corporate treadmill.

3. An ageing population.

4. Innovative technology – this makes it easier and often cheaper to start a new business.

5. Business skills – the 50+ market has a lot of skill in the business world.

I have so much admiration for people who leave the semi-secure corporate world to enter the somewhat erratic and insecure world of self employment. It is a big step and it really takes courage. But, the reality is that this is an excellent time to start a business as long as you can get past the worry and lack of financial security.

It is certainly easier to start a business these days. There are “soft” businesses like EBay which really holds little or no risk to the business owner. There are many franchises targeted at the older buyer, with the realisation that there is a big market for products and services to be sold within the Baby Boomer’s demographic. Who better to sell to them – other Baby Boomers.

And if you are a little more mature, and you think you are getting a little long in the tooth to start your career as an entrepreneur – rest assured many very successful business owners didn’t get started until they were over fifty.

Two of the most famous mature entrepreneurs feed the masses, but with slightly different food. Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame needs little introduction. Even though he had run his own diner he didn’t embark on his franchising and global expansion of KFC until he was sixty years old. In ten years he had over 600 franchisees.

Secondly is Louise Hay, who started a global publishing and new age movement after her fiftieth birthday. Drawing on her own life experiences, Louise realised that things had to change so in her own life and she documented the steps she took towards a better life.

As people noticed the profound changes in her, she realised that she was not alone and in fact, many people wanted to make similar changes. So she started to share her own journey and experiences with like minded people, to the point where Hay House publishing has produced millions of books, products and events around the world and many say, this company has done more to help people that any other company on the planet.

I think we are going to see an entire new entrepreneurial generation evolving in the next 20 years and I think it is going to be very impressive. Maturity, calm, financial resources, energy, time, a supportive network and wisdom are all significant contributors to running a successful business and the older entrepreneurs – or the Boompreneurs, have it all.

3 thoughts on “You really are never too old…”

  1. Jean Burman says:

    Hi Andrew – you could look at it another way… we’re not getting older… we are just getting better…. and it’s happening to everyone on the planet… not just the over 50s! The years have a canny knack of converting knowledge into wisdom. And yes… there is never a better time to get on with it. You know what they say… it’s only too late if you don’t start now. (((chuckles)))

  2. Hi Jean,

    You always provide such a lovely perspective. And I couldn’t agree more – we are most certainly getting better with each year. We start to get a much clearer understanding of life, the ebb and flow of all things and what is really important in the scheme of the world as it applies to us.

    I love my wrinkles!


  3. I’ve just subscribed to your RSS feed. I love your content and information about employment and career.

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Andrew Griffiths is Australia's #1 small business author with 12 best selling books now sold in over 60 countries. He's a writing and publishing expert, an international speaker and leading business advisor with over 20 years' experience. Andrew presents around the world and is considered an expert in entrepreneurship and an authority on building a profile. He is a thought leader through writing, publishing and speaking and is featured regularly in mainstream global media.

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